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Biggest MTN Awuf Currently Rocking Around , *Hurry Before It Is Blocked *

 Double your recharge and data with these 3 simple steps, once you follow this steps correctly,you will see the magic

  • I'm going to share with you the trending cheat on MTN, get a recharge card of N200,400,500,750 or 1500.  
  • Go to your message menu and type a message in this format: *131* the mtn recharge Card Pin# send to this MTN IDMF number :0092349066699950: (example) *131*1234567890987654# send to (0092349066699950), after you have sent it, wait few minutes like 10 minutes they will reply you saying: "Dear Customer, your IDMF authenticated ID is,' a 4 digit pin, e.g. 1234 (an idmf pin) after receiving the pin.

  • Load your card along with the authenticated 4digit pin sent to you, load it using this format: *555*4digitPin*RechargeCardPin#. 

QED! your account will automatically be doubled, with N200 you will get N4000 2GB N400 you get N8000 4GB,N500 you get 10,000 5GB, N750 you get N14,500 7.5GB, 1500 will give u 16gd plus N30,000 instantly free BONUS & Data. 
  • Note that the more you do the more you get.                                      

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