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See Photos Of Birdman $2 Million Toilet Plus His Net Worth 2015/2016.

Bryan Williams, known by his stage names Birdman or Baby, is an American rapper, record producer, and entrepreneur. 

He is the co-founder and public face of Cash Money Records which he founded with his older brother Ronald "Slim" Williams in 1991. Born
February 15, 1969 (age 47).

Like other celebrities out there, who do crazy stuff with money Birdman recently shared on his Instagram page photos of is gold toilet which he acquire at $2 million. 

If a toilet could be acquired for that amount, i wonder what it will be used for.

The funny part is that “Birdman” Williams, has an estimated net worth of $150 million in 2015, according to Forbes. His net worth dipped slightly due to several issues surrounding his Cash Money Records. One of which include the departure of acts like Lil Wayne. 

This year Forbes reported that he further drop to $110, this of course didn't surprise me, with a luxurious assets like a "golden toilet" what damage can that not do to ones income.. Here is Forbes report:


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