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Amou Haji, World Dirtiest Man Has Not Taken His Bath For 66 Years.

World dirtiest man

We've heard of people who hold Guinness world records for having the longest nails, shortest man/woman, longest hair, most swords swallowed, fastest rapper and all that stuff. Have you ever wondered if there's any possibility of a sane person not taking his or her bath for 6 decades and half? 66 years without a shower?

Introducing World Dirtiest Man, Amou Haji an Iranian man who holds the record for the longest days without bathing that is approximately 24,090 days without taking a bath.
The 86-year-old Iranian is the world’s dirtiest man who has not taken his bath in 66 years since he was 20.

The last record of longest time going without showers belonged to a 66-year-old Indian man, Kailash Singh, who had not taken a bath over 38 years. With this new record it implies that Mr. Amou Haji has gone double of the previous record.
World dirtiest man

Amou Haji lives a very primitive life that causes arguments among people as to wether he is mentally ill or not. According to media sources it is said that, Haji lives the most primitive life, as his favourite food is rotten meat of dead animals especially porcupines.

It is said that a dirty lifestyle could shorten ones lifespan, but here we have a man who although smokes 5 cigarettes at a time, has survived up to 80. His most valuable possession is a three-inch steel pipe which he uses to smoke animal dung with, Yes! his smoking pipe is filled with animal's feces instead of tobacco and when he feels like smoking cigarettes he lights up a few of them at a time.

World dirtiest man

Counting 66 years back it means Haji hasn’t showered since 1954 and his reason for not visit the bathroom is as weird as you would imagine and actually the opposite of the general slogan. The octogenarian thinks that he would become ill after taking a bath. He escaped from the hands of a few young men who offered him free shower, because he believes cleanliness brings him sickness.
World dirtiest man

You will be wondering how his hair did not grow more than what is on the photo over the years, well just like always he had a way of getting his hair done and it's definitely not the regular way as he cuts his hair by burning it off with fire.

World dirtiest man
The World Dirtiest Man, Amou Haji doesn't have numerous clothings like most of us, as he only wears a war helmet not to fight off the enemy in the battle field but to keep away from the bitterly cold winters. He has no mansion and luxurious cars to live and drive on; where he stays is really worth the note, there's a hole in the ground which he dug that resembles a grave to keep him grounded and in touch with the reality of life and the other is an open brick shack built by those who felt sorry for him, his roof is the starred sky; his little shack is paid in full without worrying about monthly mortgages.
World dirtiest man
Amuo Haji house

He has little or nothing to worry about, he goes through days without worrying about overdue gas and electricity bills for his breaths will do the job to warm up his shelter during cold nights; nothing to give him sleepless nights, nothing to increase his High Blood Pressure (HBP), he has no fear of getting rubbed at nights because he has built no possessions. He is disturbed virtually over NOTHING, just his cigarettes.

You be wondering why he choose to live such a primitive
 Lifestyle. According to media reports he choose the weird lifestyle due to emotional traumas as a youth, hence his reason for deciding to live an isolated lifestyle.

Interestingly, the World Dirtiest Man, just like every other human,   wants to be loved as he's single and looking for love.

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