Breaking News

Police Officer Caught Having Sex With Another Man.

How can someone be homosexual when women sweet pass?. Na wa oo

These were the words of a Facebook user who posted a story few days ago about some gay men caught in the act. According to her, one is a police officer who is married.
One is left to ponder, if those who are supposed to uphold the Law are doing the opposite, what will the citizens do.

In her words:
"How can someone be homosexual when women sweet pass. Na wa oo
 Two Homosexuals were caught red-handed having sex in one community called Umueze in Orlu LGA, Imo state. The Black one is a Nigerian police officer from Umugboga, Amike, Orlu LGA, Imo state.  who stays at checkpoint, at Mgbabano, Nkwerre LGA, Imo state (Married) . The yellow one is a son to one Photographer named (Emesco) Both from ORLU LGA.

This particular police officer with his colleagues chased a man driving with his car, threatened to shoot him if he move an inch. After few discussions, they took bribe of almost 5k from him and left. But This evening he was caughIt having sex with his fellow man.

They were caught red-handed by security men of Umueze Autonomous community, Orlu, after tracing them to where they had the sex.

Man doing man



According to them, "immediately they entered the house, the police officer took down his trouser and pulled off his shirts, bend over and the yellow guy Started f****g him. Immediately they (the security officers) broke in and arrested them. And took them down to the community hall. Tortured them really good.

Items recovered from them are; 3 sachets of condoms, different brand. And The police officer's ID CARD."

In a country where Homosexuality is not allowed, yet a law enforcement officer champions in breaking the law.

What is your opinion on this?

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