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NIGERIA'S QUEEN OF HAIRS: Most hairy female in Nigeria (An Interview).


Queen okafor

    Some of us may not have heard of Nigeria's queen of hair, who is of course the most hairy lady in Nigeria. If you have not watch or read about her then catch the gist here.

Techtainmen interview with Nigeria's most hairy woman reveals facts you didn't know about this unique lady, we had about 10 minutes brief chat with her and got this amazing revelations.

She is by name Okafor Queen Nonyerem, 28 years old; hails from Anambra state, born and raised in Onitsha, Second child of her parents and her hobbies include; swimming, traveling, and also staying around friends. Currently resides in Lagos.

Here's is our conversation..
TECHTAINMEN: How do you feel about your nature?
 QUEEN: (Takes a deep breath... hmmm) Well Honestly at first I was shy and worried about my looks, especially when I started growing much hair, but as time went by, I started appreciating myself.

TECHTAINMEN: Your hair, is it genetic?
QUEEN: Yes! most of my siblings are very hairy too. . (smiles)

TECHTAINMEN: When did you start noticing you hairy nature?
QUEEN: at the age of 22-23.

Queen okafor

TECHTAINMEN: how do people react when they see you for the first time?
QUEEN: People love me and appreciate my nature, when people see me for the first time, they will pause and stare at me for a long time wondering if am a lady or not, some will want to take pictures with me. Generally people like me... (with a big grin)

TECHTAINMEN: Have you ever been stigmatized?
QUEEN: Most people usually think that my hairy nature is caused by hormonal imbalance, but that's a very wrong impression because i have done several medical check-ups and the doctors have all diagnose me medically okay, so I have stopped worrying about what people think or say about me, I know I am beautiful!

TECHTAINMEN: How often do you shave?
QUEEN: I shave whenever i  want to,I do it at my own convenient time. Most of the time I do it when  i begin to look too unkempt. Although  I don't shave everything because I usually feature in newspapers, magazine and Tv interviews (nodding softly)

TECHTAINMEN: What do you do for a living?
QUEEN: Am a nurse by profession, i work with a private hospital here in Lagos, am also into modelling.

TECHTAINMEN: Are you single or married?
QUEEN: Am not married yet, but am seeing someone. they are a so many men out there that want to date me.

TECHTAINMEN: Do you wish you weren't as hairy as you are now?
QUEEN: I love the way i am, am unique in my own way, i can never wish to be different.

TECHTAINMEN: Any advice to young girls with smiliar conditions like yours??
QUEEN: I will encourage them to be happy, and consider their  looks as a gift from God, they shouldn't feel inferior among folks, but live their lives to the fullest. Thank you.

Queen Okafor

Queen has been to several other interviews with radio, tv and other media platforms.
She's a fun person to chat with, so lively and free.
We wish her well!!

See more photos Below

Queen okafor

Queen okafor

Queen okafor

Queen okafor

Queen Okafor

Most hairy women

Queen okafor

You can connect with Queen on Facebook via the following link.. Queen Okafor

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