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50 Computer Shortcuts, Everyone Should know.

Hello there, today we are sharing with you a few computer shortcuts that may come handy when you need them most. We all know how punching your keypad repeatedly could be very tiring especially when one is doing bulk jobs or exhausted from a demanding/urgent job.


In situations like these, one will be looking for any available avenue to cut corners but yet deliver the assigned task at a faster pace. To tech ‘gurus’, manipulating a PC is no big deal; the case is not the same for a novice or newbie.

We are sharing a number of short-cuts that you can manipulate with your keypad without moving the cursor up and down looking for where to click in order to open a particular menu. A good number of them are commonly used by everyone, a few might be strange hence the need to write this article.

We shall divide them into SECTIONS for easy understanding.

Let’s get started; Section (A) – Control button + Alphabets
  1. Ctrl + A – Copy all
  2. Ctrl + B – Bold selected text
  3. Ctrl + C – Copy selected text
  4. Ctrl + D – Change font style & size
  5. Ctrl + E – Change text alignment (left or middle)
  6. Ctrl + F – Find an item on current screen
  7. Ctrl + G – Find & replace (when moving item position in a list)
  8. Ctrl + H – Find and Replace ( when you’re changing  a particular item)
  9. Ctrl + I – Change to Italic
  10. Ctrl + J – Change alignment ( left or right)
  11. Ctrl + K – Insert hyperlink
  12. Ctrl + L – Change alignment ( left or right) same as ctrl j
  13. Ctrl + M – Same as Tab
  14. Ctrl + N – New work sheet
  15. Ctrl + O – Open an item from your PC
  16. Ctrl + P – Print 
  17. Ctrl + Q – Remove numbering (Stop listing)
  18. Ctrl + R – Move item to extreme right
  19. Ctrl + S – Save current work
  20. Ctrl + T – Same as tab
  21. Ctrl + U – Underling selected item (text)
  22. Ctrl + V – Paste copied item
  23. Ctrl + W – Save Changes
  24. Ctrl + X – Cut highlighted (selected) text
  25. Ctrl + Y – Copy and paste last item (that is; pressing Ctrl Y item will be copied and pasted)
  26. Ctrl + Z – Delete last item before cursor (that is; pressing Ctrl Z, cursor will be deleted)

Section (B) Control button + other keys

  1. Ctrl + f1 – Show ribbon
  2. Ctrl + f2 – Print preview (that is; it shows the page you wish to print)
  3. Ctrl + f3 – Name manager for selected items
  4. Ctrl + f4 – Save changes made on current work
  5. Ctrl + f5 – Minimize worksheet (commonly used in excel)
  6. Ctrl + f6 – next pane
  7. Ctrl + f7 – spell check
  8. Ctrl + f9 – Hide current worksheet
  9. Ctrl + f10 – Minimize current page
  10. Ctrl + f11 – (insert 4.0 macro leaf)

Section (C) - Others
  1. Ctrl + : – Insert current time
  2. Ctrl + ; – Insert current date     
  3. Ctrl +" – Copy the value on the cell above 
  4. Ctrl + f1 – Open file
  5. Ctrl + tab – (in a binder) turn on the next filling cabinet
  6. Ctrl + shift + ~ – General format 
  7. Ctrl + shift + @ – time format
  8. Ctrl + shift + # – date format
  9. Alt + = – Auto sum
  10. Alt + f1– Insert chart
  11. Alt + f2 – Save under
  12. Shift + f2 – Modify cell comment
  13. Shift + f9 – Calculate the active working sheets.
  14. Alt + f4 – Shutdown PC
BONUS ⇒ Windows key + Shift + S -- Screenshot current page.
These are just few of frequently used shortcuts, subsequently we would bring more.

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