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Adsense Approval Within 3 Days With These 6-Simple-Steps.

Hello there! what am sharing today is one of the most important aspect for bloggers and website owners.

I will be sharing with you, how to get your Adsense application approve within three days ( I use to think it was not possible, getting approved within 3 days.) if you follow my guide step by step without compromising any. A few months ago i would burn all my data looking for guide on how to get approved and after much search and 1,001 results i get fed up with the procedures that comes up.  

Now unlike many articles you must have  read that will give you long procedures and sometimes unrealistic methods to getting approved; this article will give you the shortest possible guide which works for me and anyone i have shared it with. 


Before applying for Google Adsense there are a few things you must consider before putting forward your application, they include:

The niche you decide to blog in or use to apply for Adsense is very important, yes! entertainment and technology or ICT have more traffic compare to other niches no doubt, but if you want to get approved without Google turning you down, i will advice you choose a different niche that is not crowded and don't have same stories on all blog and websites.

Google likes originality of content so how do you blog on "P Square quarrel" and have an original content when virtually all blogs have that story? it wont work!! So which niche will do? I will suggest you go into Health or Distant learning blogging or better still Tech. if you have unique contents to publish. 
It is often said that "money makes money" you increase your chances of being approved if you buy a custom domain name (i.e .com, .net,, .org etc.) i wouldn't advice you to go for free domain names, i tried it myself it wasn't working unless otherwise.

Google will likely attend to customized blogs than those with .blogspot domain names.  They are many companies you can get your domain name, i personally got mine from NAME CHEAP they have cheap domain names and very easy to set-up and redirect.

Choose a simple and responsive template that fits in in all devices. You don't need to buy any template to get approved, they are great Adsense supported templates available for download you can Google search that. 

Make sure you use a template that makes it easy for visitors of your blog to navigate easily. Failure in this aspect will result in Google telling that your blog is poorly formed.
Take time to write long and interesting articles of at least 500 words and above count it if it  requires you to do so. Endeavor to add pictures to your articles. Check for spelling or any other typographical errors. No matter what you do, don't copy and paste from any other website. (IT'S ONE OF THE MAJOR REASONS APPLICATIONS DON'T SCALE THROUGH)

If you must use pictures from Google; first download such picture, rename it before uploading it in your site. Add captions to photos where Necessary. Before you apply, try to have at least 15 post/articles (though i applied with 9 articles and was approved ).
This is very important. It makes it easier for Google robots to collect data on the articles you have in you blog, and also help to check errors, so as to enable you fixed them. Visit Google webmasters tool to submit your site.

You have to write an "about us page", this you can simply do by adding the gadget from your blogger dashboard ---> Layout ---> Add gadget ---> HTML. Please its important you write a rich an "About Us Page" Write an interesting article in simple but correct English about your blog/websites.

Create a new email address and use it to apply.
The final step is to pray to God, i believe he approves everything before you can be approved.

I believe after following this procedures religiously, Google will definitely approve your application, should in case they don't, drop your website below (comment box) i will check it out.
 if you any other challenge as regard to Adsense lemme know, i will do well to answer them.


  1. Please check this out and tell me what to do.

  2. i think you a great a blog, contact me through my email. lets talk
