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"WHAT A SHAME", SEYI LAW! (seyi law slaps security gaurd )

 Seyi law was said to have slapped a security guard name Peter of Monday, May 16 2016 just because Peter tried to direct him on the proper road to follow to avoid traffic congestion in the arena.


As invited guests and participants trooped out of the venue with satisfaction of a night well spent, also driving out in his Porsche car, Seyi Law was accosted by Peter Ethan, trying to inform him of an alternative route he could take to ease vehicular movement and avoid traffic. Suddenly, with the speed of light, Seyi Law angrily flew out of his car and dazed the security guard, Peter Ethan, with three hot resounding slaps that got him probably seeing stars and staggering for balance. Lost for words as to why Seyi Law bullied him in such a rascally manner, the security guard burst into uncontrollable tears.
On seeing their colleague in such an emotional state, Peter’s fellow security guards rushed to the spot  to inquire what transpired.

Immediately they got the gist of what happened, they took sides with Peter, one of them even attempted to physically harass Seyi Law, but for the intervention of a few peacemakers and Seyi’s quick escape instincts, he would have been lynched by an angry mob that began to build.

 When asked what actually transpired, an emotionally unstable Peter tearfully recounted his bitter ordeal “I was only trying to redirect him through an alternative route which my boss instructed us on, to avoid traffic jam as guests drive out.

“To my greatest surprise, Seyi Law just jumped out of his car and began to hurl abusive words at me. While trying to explain to him he just suddenly gave me three dirty slaps. This has never happened to me before, is it because I’m putting on a security uniform? I didn’t expect this kind of attitude from Seyi Law”. he added.

Please celebrities you are role models and as such try to hide your other side in public places. You are there today doesn't make you the first or last, so behave yourselves cos the world is watching you.

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