Breaking News


As students we always want to get the best out of our little resources  and this is usually very difficult owing to the fact that we fine ourselves in a country were the economy seems very unstable. 

We are often faced with the burden of attending to bulks of assignment and other researches to carry out, and to achieve these, we need money to access the net. 

So in other to maximize our little resources, there's a need to operate at the right platform and at the right time.

You must have been getting series of text messages from MTN telling to MIGRATE  to iPULSE. Well as a student and you want to get the best out your little pocket money, i will suggest you join the bandwagon, i am personally enjoying the benefits of these plan. Although some other MTN tariff plans can access these product.

It is interesting to also know that, your bundle can be used to access any online platform, no restrictions.

You can get 1GB data for as low as N500
1.5GB for N1,000
3.5GB for N2000

You can migrate to ipulse by dialing *406#
There are available short codes to buy various bundles plans or you can follow the simple steps by dialing *123#. ENJOY.....
NOTE: other network providers such as glo, etisalat and airtel also offer similar packages but i choose to discuss about MTN because, from personal experience their data last longer.

Feel free to ask your questions and also share you opinions, arguments and experience.

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